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2022.01.06 更新

Titus Adronicus was so good that I finished it in one day. Titus Adronicus was the first tragedy that Shakespeare wrote. However, many people questioned if Shakespeare actually wrote this play as it is considerable darker and more murderous than his other plays. However, that is why this play was so intriguing to me when I read it in eighth grade. I instantly fell in love with Titus Adronicus because of the fast-paced plot as well as the connection to other works from other cultures.
I like the plot in Titus Adronicus because of the action and the strong motivations. In most of Shakespeare’s other plays, there is a lot of talking and a lot of plot development before some actual action happens. As a contrast, two characters are killed within the first act of Titus Adronicus. In addition, a power struggle as well as a love afair has already been established. Then, the plot unravels into an action based plot, and the conflicts presented in the next acts are even more intriguing than in the first. The strong vibe of the story kept me reading for 8 hours or more because I always had to find out how one specific conflict was resolved. However, when I finally reached the end of that conflict, an even more exciting conflict was in progress. Thus, I kept on reading until I finished the whole book.
Even though Titus Adronicus has a fast moving plot, it should not be associated with the shallow - fast paced novels or comic books where things just blow up and people just die. Another reason that I like Titus Adronicus is because of the similarities between certain conflicts in the story and Investune of the Gods. While Titus Adronicus was writen in England, Investune of the Gods was writen in China. Due to the lack of communication roots during that time, it can be inferred that the works were not inspired by each other. However, in Titus Adronicus the part in which a queen named Tamora was tricked to eat her children is similar to a section in Investune of the Gods when King Wen was forced to eat his eldest son. This similarity is striking, and I puzzeled over it for a long time. In this way, this story was what motivated me to research the historical background of both cultures. Ergo, I also gained a lot of knowledge after reading this story.
Because of the fast paced plot and the interesting connection with other literary works, Titus Adronicus is one of my all time favorites. The plot made the book impossible to put down. Similarly, the connection to Investune of the Gods got me thinking about the story long after I’d finished it. Hence, I encourage anyone who wants to read a dark and interesting book to pick Titus Adronicus.