2022.10.06 更新
Since this is a free topic, I would like to write about reading, but not reading books or words. In the past, almost all information was shared through books and other sources of formal writing. Nowadays, there is another way of acquiring information: watching videos and listening to podcasts. Now, most people get their information, not from formal books, but from visual media or listening to the radio. So today, I want to compare the pros and cons between visual media and traditional books.While visual media is easier to watch, traditional books are usually more trustworthy. It is the consensus that watching videos are easier than reading books. Thus, most people choose to watch rather than read. However, this leads to another problem because of how easy it is to publish a video. Now, with platforms such as YouTube, anyone can make their own videos and publish them. With published books, especially traditional ones, there are more people to peer review the information before publication. This makes the sources more trustworthy than videos that anyone can publish.
Access to media and traditional books differs in various places. In places where there is stable internet and trustworthy electrical devices, visual media is more convenient than books. There, anything on the internet can be accessed with a few clicks, so it takes longer to get a traditional book then to watch a video on YouTube. However, in places where there is no internet, watching videos or using visual media becomes almost impossible. There, it is much easier to read traditional books, providing that there are books in that area. Thus, traditional books are much more convenient in rural areas, where books can be borrowed via libraries or donated.
There are pros and cons to both traditional books and visual media. While visual media is easier to access, books are usually more trustworthy. On the other hand, the easiness of accessing books or media highly depends on where the user is. Thus, both books have their merits and fail, and it depends highly on the situation in which book or media to read.
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